Latest Episodes

The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea in Young Adults: Protect Your Heart
The Alarming Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease Are you a young person who thinks that sleep apnea is an older person's disease?...

Prunes: The Surprising Bone-Boosting Superfruit for Women
In this article, The Medical Experts @ The Health Standard, share their expert insights of the findings and provide Hawaii residents with evidence-based recommendations...

Dietary Fiber Helps Gut Bacteria And This Lowers Your Risk of Type-2 Diabetes
Here's your Health minute. We're talking about gut health and diabetes. So a new study is showing us something that your mom's already been...

Caffeine good for the heart, mental health updates, a new diabetes medicine, vitamins that you actually need, and more health and medical news.
Health, wellness, and medical news for you. 00;00;01;16 - 00;00;22;11HSTKWell. Hello. Hello. Good morning to you. Let's take a walk around the body. I've...

Air Pollution can give you heart attacks and other health news of the day.
All right, let's begin our walk around the body. We're going to start with heart health. So a study was just published in the...

Scraping your tongue and other health news.
So much news!