Well, hello and good morning to you.
Today, I'm going to give you
another question that you're going to start asking yourself to figure out
And yes, look, the key here is for you to be in a state of good mental wellness.
You have to be able to measure it.
You have to be able to calibrate it,
and then you have to know what to do if your mental balance is off.
So for today's question, you need to very simply and clearly
ask yourself, Am I feeling down depressed or hopeless as I'm going about my day?
Yeah, look, so we know that this is a very tough and direct question.
It can be kind of intimidating to be so blunt with yourself.
We don't worry about it because what we're learning here together
So, friend, how are you feeling today?
Are you feeling down depressed or hopeless?
If you're feeling down depressed or hopeless,
press here if you're feeling down depressed or hopeless. Press here.
If you're feeling somewhat OK, press here.
While like always no big deal. That's what we're here for.
It's not a big frickin thing. We're going to get through this together.
Look, your traditional answer is of taking time for self-care,
calling your friend, talking to a loved one, exercising and on and on and on.
All of these things still apply.
In medicine, we have a very specific term for this,
and this term is called resilience.
The reality, of course, is that we can't be 100% every single day of the year.
You can actually become more productive.
Keeping track of these answers actually allows you
to improve your quality of life.
So if you find over and over that, you're not able to be so resilient.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Don't beat yourself up.
You may actually be time for you to go and reach out
and speak to your health care provider.
Let them know that you aren't
being so resilient, especially over the last two weeks or so.
Let them know that you're having a difficult time bouncing back.
This is going to start the conversation correctly and positively.
And I believe that you're going to be in a better mental space.
Otherwise, keep an eye on how often you're able to bounce back.
Life is going to have its ups and downs.
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